Follow a Star

Sometimes your heart’s the only navigator you need...”

May Starling’s had enough of her demanding career and even more demanding ex.  Responding to a ‘crew-wanted’ ad, she follows her dreams of escape only to find herself at sea with red-haired Bill Blythe.

Bill warns May that close-quartered living can create a boiling pot of emotions, but even May is surprised by the heat building up inside the vintage wooden boat.  And when May and Bill tie up at Watling’s Boatyard in Little Spitmarsh, May’s determined to test her new-found feelings on dry land.

But May’s dream of escaping her former life is in danger of being swept away when several unwelcome blasts from the past follow her ashore, all seemingly hell-bent on reminding her that it’s never that easy to clear the decks.

“Follow A Star is wonderful novel full of sea spray and heart warming romance”

Available HERE and as an audiobook narrated by Jenny Funnell

Want to know more?  See my Pinterest springboard here.  Listen to the soundtrack of the book here.  Follow a Star

“Oh my goodness…..wouldn’t we all like a Bill in our lives! Such a sexy gent Christine Stovell has conjured up for us all! This is the third of Christine Stovell’s books that I’ve read and I’ve loved them all. What she is so very good at is writing a sense of place into her books, so much so that I want to go there. I also think that even when we are reading fiction it is good to learn something and I learned quite a bit about sailing from this one…..a lovely journey in so many ways. This is a star of a book, it really is.”